serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.
serotonin-deficiency-king: “But it’ll confuse the children!” So does math, but you still educate them on the matter so they’re knowledgeable about it for the future.