olivesawl: sharq-byte: tinymelee: HOW WOULD YOU EVEN PREDICT THIS Find a way to reschedule your grandparents death. Reminds me of my favorite Asshole Professor Attendance story. I had a professor with a similar zero-tolerance policy. My senior year,
olivesawl: sharq-byte: tinymelee: HOW WOULD YOU EVEN PREDICT THIS Find a way to reschedule your grandparents death. Reminds me of my favorite Asshole Professor Attendance story. I had a professor with a similar zero-tolerance policy. My senior year,
olivesawl: sharq-byte: tinymelee: HOW WOULD YOU EVEN PREDICT THIS Find a way to reschedule your grandparents death. Reminds me of my favorite Asshole Professor Attendance story. I had a professor with a similar zero-tolerance policy. My senior year,