underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse
underbellamy: me: fIGHT ME (ง︡’-‘︠)งme: *is afraid to ask people for help at stores* *stutters when ordering take out* *runs as fast as i can out of a room after i shut the lights off in case the shadow monsters try to get me* *will refuse