I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.
I love Vriska because while she has her flaws as a person she doesn’t change who she is to appeal to anyone. She knows who she is and she knows not everyone will like her but that’s fine by her, sure it may seem cold to some but I admire that.