laird-white: It took months of work from the slaves and the master of the house, but the nigger cow had finally begun to give milk. Now it could be moved into the barn with the herd to continue producing product to support its master and his lifestyle.
laird-white: It took months of work from the slaves and the master of the house, but the nigger cow had finally begun to give milk. Now it could be moved into the barn with the herd to continue producing product to support its master and his lifestyle.
laird-white: It took months of work from the slaves and the master of the house, but the nigger cow had finally begun to give milk. Now it could be moved into the barn with the herd to continue producing product to support its master and his lifestyle.
laird-white: It took months of work from the slaves and the master of the house, but the nigger cow had finally begun to give milk. Now it could be moved into the barn with the herd to continue producing product to support its master and his lifestyle.