feralaffairs: A few out-takes of a 4-photo set I captured yesterday morning. I submitted the fourth (my favorite) to A Sleepy Lioness‘s Coffee Club. You lovelies should all think of submitting there or perhaps somewhere more naughty yet lacking
feralaffairs: A few out-takes of a 4-photo set I captured yesterday morning. I submitted the fourth (my favorite) to A Sleepy Lioness‘s Coffee Club. You lovelies should all think of submitting there or perhaps somewhere more naughty yet lacking
feralaffairs: A few out-takes of a 4-photo set I captured yesterday morning. I submitted the fourth (my favorite) to A Sleepy Lioness‘s Coffee Club. You lovelies should all think of submitting there or perhaps somewhere more naughty yet lacking
feralaffairs: A few out-takes of a 4-photo set I captured yesterday morning. I submitted the fourth (my favorite) to A Sleepy Lioness‘s Coffee Club. You lovelies should all think of submitting there or perhaps somewhere more naughty yet lacking