chaosophia218: Bind Runes.A Bind Rune (Icelandic: bandrún) is created by combining two or more ancient Viking Runes into a single symbol. What this combination is believed to do is create a more powerful Rune, than the individual Runes used to make
chaosophia218: Bind Runes.A Bind Rune (Icelandic: bandrún) is created by combining two or more ancient Viking Runes into a single symbol. What this combination is believed to do is create a more powerful Rune, than the individual Runes used to make
chaosophia218: Bind Runes.A Bind Rune (Icelandic: bandrún) is created by combining two or more ancient Viking Runes into a single symbol. What this combination is believed to do is create a more powerful Rune, than the individual Runes used to make