dorianbabus: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT GOING TO ROMANCE ME” Working on a good two out of three. Sorry fenris, anders had puppy eyes AND JUSTICE… could not resist dorian after his ‘im here, ill protect you’ line…
dorianbabus: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT GOING TO ROMANCE ME” Working on a good two out of three. Sorry fenris, anders had puppy eyes AND JUSTICE… could not resist dorian after his ‘im here, ill protect you’ line…
dorianbabus: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT GOING TO ROMANCE ME” Working on a good two out of three. Sorry fenris, anders had puppy eyes AND JUSTICE… could not resist dorian after his ‘im here, ill protect you’ line…
dorianbabus: “WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE NOT GOING TO ROMANCE ME” Working on a good two out of three. Sorry fenris, anders had puppy eyes AND JUSTICE… could not resist dorian after his ‘im here, ill protect you’ line…