thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin
thepowerwithin: “Allow for the rain to poor as hard as it wants. Allow for the lightning to strike where it pleases. The weather cannot be controlled, but our reaction to it can.” — Nicole Addison @thepowerwithin