songsofwolves: “He has the hairstyle of Ariana Grande.” — my six-year-old daughter on the uruk-hai Aragorn fights at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring (via jonnyplantey)
songsofwolves: “He has the hairstyle of Ariana Grande.” — my six-year-old daughter on the uruk-hai Aragorn fights at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring (via jonnyplantey)
songsofwolves: “He has the hairstyle of Ariana Grande.” — my six-year-old daughter on the uruk-hai Aragorn fights at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring (via jonnyplantey)
songsofwolves: “He has the hairstyle of Ariana Grande.” — my six-year-old daughter on the uruk-hai Aragorn fights at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring (via jonnyplantey)