higher-order: Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt: imagine how peaceful and rational the world would be without religion. McDonalds: *releases meme sauce* Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt:
higher-order: Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt: imagine how peaceful and rational the world would be without religion. McDonalds: *releases meme sauce* Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt:
higher-order: Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt: imagine how peaceful and rational the world would be without religion. McDonalds: *releases meme sauce* Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt:
higher-order: Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt: imagine how peaceful and rational the world would be without religion. McDonalds: *releases meme sauce* Dude in a Rick & Morty shirt: