unflatteringcatselfies: This is Shadow, my shelter’s resident soccer ball. She is very overweight, so we’ve started putting her in a harness so she can get out and exercise. She is also sweet and loves to sit on your foot.
unflatteringcatselfies: This is Shadow, my shelter’s resident soccer ball. She is very overweight, so we’ve started putting her in a harness so she can get out and exercise. She is also sweet and loves to sit on your foot.
unflatteringcatselfies: This is Shadow, my shelter’s resident soccer ball. She is very overweight, so we’ve started putting her in a harness so she can get out and exercise. She is also sweet and loves to sit on your foot.
unflatteringcatselfies: This is Shadow, my shelter’s resident soccer ball. She is very overweight, so we’ve started putting her in a harness so she can get out and exercise. She is also sweet and loves to sit on your foot.