180mph: notautumnn: 180mph: Friend: Wanna go to a baseball game? Me, an intellectual: No For an “intellectual”, you are pretty bad a jokes. And what I mean by that is you are an ignorant piece of shit. I will spit on the ground you walk on while
180mph: notautumnn: 180mph: Friend: Wanna go to a baseball game? Me, an intellectual: No For an “intellectual”, you are pretty bad a jokes. And what I mean by that is you are an ignorant piece of shit. I will spit on the ground you walk on while
180mph: notautumnn: 180mph: Friend: Wanna go to a baseball game? Me, an intellectual: No For an “intellectual”, you are pretty bad a jokes. And what I mean by that is you are an ignorant piece of shit. I will spit on the ground you walk on while