sinisterattraction: #i love how they never had to learn how to work together #they just worked right from the start #even when they were enemies #as soon as they decided to team up something just clicked and they were partners #how in synch they are
sinisterattraction: #i love how they never had to learn how to work together #they just worked right from the start #even when they were enemies #as soon as they decided to team up something just clicked and they were partners #how in synch they are
sinisterattraction: #i love how they never had to learn how to work together #they just worked right from the start #even when they were enemies #as soon as they decided to team up something just clicked and they were partners #how in synch they are
sinisterattraction: #i love how they never had to learn how to work together #they just worked right from the start #even when they were enemies #as soon as they decided to team up something just clicked and they were partners #how in synch they are
sinisterattraction: #i love how they never had to learn how to work together #they just worked right from the start #even when they were enemies #as soon as they decided to team up something just clicked and they were partners #how in synch they are