joonchi: Supernatural Does Meta→ The French Mistake makes many references to real life, including a shot of the Supernatural studios. It was said by Clif Kosterman (J&J’s bodyguard) at the 2011 Salute to Supernatural San Francisco convention
joonchi: Supernatural Does Meta→ The French Mistake makes many references to real life, including a shot of the Supernatural studios. It was said by Clif Kosterman (J&J’s bodyguard) at the 2011 Salute to Supernatural San Francisco convention
joonchi: Supernatural Does Meta→ The French Mistake makes many references to real life, including a shot of the Supernatural studios. It was said by Clif Kosterman (J&J’s bodyguard) at the 2011 Salute to Supernatural San Francisco convention
joonchi: Supernatural Does Meta→ The French Mistake makes many references to real life, including a shot of the Supernatural studios. It was said by Clif Kosterman (J&J’s bodyguard) at the 2011 Salute to Supernatural San Francisco convention
joonchi: Supernatural Does Meta→ The French Mistake makes many references to real life, including a shot of the Supernatural studios. It was said by Clif Kosterman (J&J’s bodyguard) at the 2011 Salute to Supernatural San Francisco convention