smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes
smellslikesomebullshit: dear men who feel like marriage is a trap and “taking away your freedom”, here’s a list of things you can do: - not get married - literally - just don’t fucking propose - and if she asks you, say no - don’t get her hopes