3rdcaveman: GLaDOS, you gonna get it now.  You’ve angered the British government.  It’s all over for you.  Consider your funding cut.  It’s going to be spot checks and red tape from here on out, bitches. Cakecroft Week: Day 3
3rdcaveman: GLaDOS, you gonna get it now.  You’ve angered the British government.  It’s all over for you.  Consider your funding cut.  It’s going to be spot checks and red tape from here on out, bitches. Cakecroft Week: Day 3
3rdcaveman: GLaDOS, you gonna get it now.  You’ve angered the British government.  It’s all over for you.  Consider your funding cut.  It’s going to be spot checks and red tape from here on out, bitches. Cakecroft Week: Day 3