nenilein: sueishappy: “and that is why pink ribbons are for boobies.” -hank green It makes sense, seeing how pink is a “warm” color (Which is seen as a “masculine” aspect in most cultures) and blue is a “cold” color, (traditionally
nenilein: sueishappy: “and that is why pink ribbons are for boobies.” -hank green It makes sense, seeing how pink is a “warm” color (Which is seen as a “masculine” aspect in most cultures) and blue is a “cold” color, (traditionally
nenilein: sueishappy: “and that is why pink ribbons are for boobies.” -hank green It makes sense, seeing how pink is a “warm” color (Which is seen as a “masculine” aspect in most cultures) and blue is a “cold” color, (traditionally
nenilein: sueishappy: “and that is why pink ribbons are for boobies.” -hank green It makes sense, seeing how pink is a “warm” color (Which is seen as a “masculine” aspect in most cultures) and blue is a “cold” color, (traditionally
nenilein: sueishappy: “and that is why pink ribbons are for boobies.” -hank green It makes sense, seeing how pink is a “warm” color (Which is seen as a “masculine” aspect in most cultures) and blue is a “cold” color, (traditionally
nenilein: sueishappy: “and that is why pink ribbons are for boobies.” -hank green It makes sense, seeing how pink is a “warm” color (Which is seen as a “masculine” aspect in most cultures) and blue is a “cold” color, (traditionally
nenilein: sueishappy: “and that is why pink ribbons are for boobies.” -hank green It makes sense, seeing how pink is a “warm” color (Which is seen as a “masculine” aspect in most cultures) and blue is a “cold” color, (traditionally