forevercryingbecausemerlin: missphanosaur18: rapewhistled: we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to hunt and eat and live a certain way and now we all are forced to live in cement buildings and sit at ur job from 9-5 and u wonder why everyone
forevercryingbecausemerlin: missphanosaur18: rapewhistled: we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to hunt and eat and live a certain way and now we all are forced to live in cement buildings and sit at ur job from 9-5 and u wonder why everyone
forevercryingbecausemerlin: missphanosaur18: rapewhistled: we evolved for hundreds of thousands of years to hunt and eat and live a certain way and now we all are forced to live in cement buildings and sit at ur job from 9-5 and u wonder why everyone