I once convinced my group to leave a dungeon for later because of how intimidating I found the architecture. My friend who was DMing has never forgiven me.
I once convinced my group to leave a dungeon for later because of how intimidating I found the architecture. My friend who was DMing has never forgiven me.
I once convinced my group to leave a dungeon for later because of how intimidating I found the architecture. My friend who was DMing has never forgiven me.
I once convinced my group to leave a dungeon for later because of how intimidating I found the architecture. My friend who was DMing has never forgiven me.
I once convinced my group to leave a dungeon for later because of how intimidating I found the architecture. My friend who was DMing has never forgiven me.
I once convinced my group to leave a dungeon for later because of how intimidating I found the architecture. My friend who was DMing has never forgiven me.