These cuties are from the manga Dadadadan which follows the lives of a trio of high school boys. One who hates girl, one who has a fear of girls and one who only likes 2-d girls. Somehow I find this manga very relatable (ï¼Ï‰ï¼.)
These cuties are from the manga Dadadadan which follows the lives of a trio of high school boys. One who hates girl, one who has a fear of girls and one who only likes 2-d girls. Somehow I find this manga very relatable (ï¼Ï‰ï¼.)
These cuties are from the manga Dadadadan which follows the lives of a trio of high school boys. One who hates girl, one who has a fear of girls and one who only likes 2-d girls. Somehow I find this manga very relatable (ï¼Ï‰ï¼.)
These cuties are from the manga Dadadadan which follows the lives of a trio of high school boys. One who hates girl, one who has a fear of girls and one who only likes 2-d girls. Somehow I find this manga very relatable (ï¼Ï‰ï¼.)
These cuties are from the manga Dadadadan which follows the lives of a trio of high school boys. One who hates girl, one who has a fear of girls and one who only likes 2-d girls. Somehow I find this manga very relatable (ï¼Ï‰ï¼.)