Godslayer - Luna T. (NEW) by Xenozoa Child of the Moon, Luna TorrentAge: 10Gender: FemaleRace: HumanHeight: 3'2’’Weight: 83 lbs.Weapons: NoneWeapon Names: N/ABirthplace: Frozen Frontiers (Northern Reaches of Artrius)Birth date: February
Godslayer - Luna T. (NEW) by Xenozoa Child of the Moon, Luna TorrentAge: 10Gender: FemaleRace: HumanHeight: 3'2’’Weight: 83 lbs.Weapons: NoneWeapon Names: N/ABirthplace: Frozen Frontiers (Northern Reaches of Artrius)Birth date: February
Godslayer - Luna T. (NEW) by Xenozoa Child of the Moon, Luna TorrentAge: 10Gender: FemaleRace: HumanHeight: 3'2’’Weight: 83 lbs.Weapons: NoneWeapon Names: N/ABirthplace: Frozen Frontiers (Northern Reaches of Artrius)Birth date: February