portajohnegbert: portajohnegbert: can someone please do a GTA “WASTED” edit of john getting hit by the door please this is important tumblr user turbro confirmed for the true hero of homestuck
portajohnegbert: portajohnegbert: can someone please do a GTA “WASTED” edit of john getting hit by the door please this is important tumblr user turbro confirmed for the true hero of homestuck
portajohnegbert: portajohnegbert: can someone please do a GTA “WASTED” edit of john getting hit by the door please this is important tumblr user turbro confirmed for the true hero of homestuck
portajohnegbert: portajohnegbert: can someone please do a GTA “WASTED” edit of john getting hit by the door please this is important tumblr user turbro confirmed for the true hero of homestuck