asheathes: You’re Elizabeth. He who stabs the heart of the captain must take over as captain. The Dutchman must always have a captain. And if he saves me, he loses you. He won’t pick me, I wouldn’t pick me! Tell him not to come. Tell him to stay
asheathes: You’re Elizabeth. He who stabs the heart of the captain must take over as captain. The Dutchman must always have a captain. And if he saves me, he loses you. He won’t pick me, I wouldn’t pick me! Tell him not to come. Tell him to stay
asheathes: You’re Elizabeth. He who stabs the heart of the captain must take over as captain. The Dutchman must always have a captain. And if he saves me, he loses you. He won’t pick me, I wouldn’t pick me! Tell him not to come. Tell him to stay
asheathes: You’re Elizabeth. He who stabs the heart of the captain must take over as captain. The Dutchman must always have a captain. And if he saves me, he loses you. He won’t pick me, I wouldn’t pick me! Tell him not to come. Tell him to stay
asheathes: You’re Elizabeth. He who stabs the heart of the captain must take over as captain. The Dutchman must always have a captain. And if he saves me, he loses you. He won’t pick me, I wouldn’t pick me! Tell him not to come. Tell him to stay