yogamimi: Standing one-legged King pigeon pose! This pose is great for balance, stability and sense of vitality. It opens the shoulders and hips while strengthening the legs and back. I will post pre-poses later today. Namaste!
yogamimi: Standing one-legged King pigeon pose! This pose is great for balance, stability and sense of vitality. It opens the shoulders and hips while strengthening the legs and back. I will post pre-poses later today. Namaste!
yogamimi: Standing one-legged King pigeon pose! This pose is great for balance, stability and sense of vitality. It opens the shoulders and hips while strengthening the legs and back. I will post pre-poses later today. Namaste!
yogamimi: Standing one-legged King pigeon pose! This pose is great for balance, stability and sense of vitality. It opens the shoulders and hips while strengthening the legs and back. I will post pre-poses later today. Namaste!
yogamimi: Standing one-legged King pigeon pose! This pose is great for balance, stability and sense of vitality. It opens the shoulders and hips while strengthening the legs and back. I will post pre-poses later today. Namaste!
yogamimi: Standing one-legged King pigeon pose! This pose is great for balance, stability and sense of vitality. It opens the shoulders and hips while strengthening the legs and back. I will post pre-poses later today. Namaste!
yogamimi: Standing one-legged King pigeon pose! This pose is great for balance, stability and sense of vitality. It opens the shoulders and hips while strengthening the legs and back. I will post pre-poses later today. Namaste!