ahunterneedshiswingman: therearenofuckingurlsleft: I like how Jared fumbles long enough to compensate Jensen’s extra movements and synchronise the flips. And now I can’t stop watching this. It’s like a ballet. A manly, manly ballet.
ahunterneedshiswingman: therearenofuckingurlsleft: I like how Jared fumbles long enough to compensate Jensen’s extra movements and synchronise the flips. And now I can’t stop watching this. It’s like a ballet. A manly, manly ballet.
ahunterneedshiswingman: therearenofuckingurlsleft: I like how Jared fumbles long enough to compensate Jensen’s extra movements and synchronise the flips. And now I can’t stop watching this. It’s like a ballet. A manly, manly ballet.