gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay: stoptheviolencewithsilence: today i yelled in the middle of class “I LIKE YOUR SHOELACES” and simultaneously five people replied “thanks i stole them from the president” and we all looked at each other like and
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay: stoptheviolencewithsilence: today i yelled in the middle of class “I LIKE YOUR SHOELACES” and simultaneously five people replied “thanks i stole them from the president” and we all looked at each other like and
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay: stoptheviolencewithsilence: today i yelled in the middle of class “I LIKE YOUR SHOELACES” and simultaneously five people replied “thanks i stole them from the president” and we all looked at each other like and
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay: stoptheviolencewithsilence: today i yelled in the middle of class “I LIKE YOUR SHOELACES” and simultaneously five people replied “thanks i stole them from the president” and we all looked at each other like and
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay: stoptheviolencewithsilence: today i yelled in the middle of class “I LIKE YOUR SHOELACES” and simultaneously five people replied “thanks i stole them from the president” and we all looked at each other like and
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay: stoptheviolencewithsilence: today i yelled in the middle of class “I LIKE YOUR SHOELACES” and simultaneously five people replied “thanks i stole them from the president” and we all looked at each other like and