Embracing the name which I cannot call outCounting on my fingers, tomorrow won't disappearI heard with blocked earsThe sound of a broken cradleThe spring time will never come again, the crimson lotus is in bloom. (Guren - The GazettE)
Embracing the name which I cannot call outCounting on my fingers, tomorrow won't disappearI heard with blocked earsThe sound of a broken cradleThe spring time will never come again, the crimson lotus is in bloom. (Guren - The GazettE)
Embracing the name which I cannot call outCounting on my fingers, tomorrow won't disappearI heard with blocked earsThe sound of a broken cradleThe spring time will never come again, the crimson lotus is in bloom. (Guren - The GazettE)
Embracing the name which I cannot call outCounting on my fingers, tomorrow won't disappearI heard with blocked earsThe sound of a broken cradleThe spring time will never come again, the crimson lotus is in bloom. (Guren - The GazettE)
Embracing the name which I cannot call outCounting on my fingers, tomorrow won't disappearI heard with blocked earsThe sound of a broken cradleThe spring time will never come again, the crimson lotus is in bloom. (Guren - The GazettE)