temptingdominance: Imagine for a moment that you were never allowed to have orgasms by your own hand again. You were always restrained and they were milked out of you. They be frequent but always under my explicit my direction. Does that sound wonderful?
temptingdominance: Imagine for a moment that you were never allowed to have orgasms by your own hand again. You were always restrained and they were milked out of you. They be frequent but always under my explicit my direction. Does that sound wonderful?
temptingdominance: Imagine for a moment that you were never allowed to have orgasms by your own hand again. You were always restrained and they were milked out of you. They be frequent but always under my explicit my direction. Does that sound wonderful?
temptingdominance: Imagine for a moment that you were never allowed to have orgasms by your own hand again. You were always restrained and they were milked out of you. They be frequent but always under my explicit my direction. Does that sound wonderful?