jeanloup: Here’s some pics of the camera obscura I built and recently used to photograph Dane. It’s hard to see in the final camera image there’s a place to mount a DSLR just right of the lens. The image is projected on the back of the camera obsucra
jeanloup: Here’s some pics of the camera obscura I built and recently used to photograph Dane. It’s hard to see in the final camera image there’s a place to mount a DSLR just right of the lens. The image is projected on the back of the camera obsucra
jeanloup: Here’s some pics of the camera obscura I built and recently used to photograph Dane. It’s hard to see in the final camera image there’s a place to mount a DSLR just right of the lens. The image is projected on the back of the camera obsucra
jeanloup: Here’s some pics of the camera obscura I built and recently used to photograph Dane. It’s hard to see in the final camera image there’s a place to mount a DSLR just right of the lens. The image is projected on the back of the camera obsucra
jeanloup: Here’s some pics of the camera obscura I built and recently used to photograph Dane. It’s hard to see in the final camera image there’s a place to mount a DSLR just right of the lens. The image is projected on the back of the camera obsucra
jeanloup: Here’s some pics of the camera obscura I built and recently used to photograph Dane. It’s hard to see in the final camera image there’s a place to mount a DSLR just right of the lens. The image is projected on the back of the camera obsucra