tinyoperadiva: why don’t more people like opera like this is the gayest shit i’ve ever experienced in my life and it is a PUBLIC event for people of ALL AGES to see women be absolutely awesomely GAY A F onstage or you can see a pair of TITS sometimes
tinyoperadiva: why don’t more people like opera like this is the gayest shit i’ve ever experienced in my life and it is a PUBLIC event for people of ALL AGES to see women be absolutely awesomely GAY A F onstage or you can see a pair of TITS sometimes
tinyoperadiva: why don’t more people like opera like this is the gayest shit i’ve ever experienced in my life and it is a PUBLIC event for people of ALL AGES to see women be absolutely awesomely GAY A F onstage or you can see a pair of TITS sometimes