metalliccolouredtitan: seeing as the pride season is coming up i’m seeing a lot of biphobia everywhere and i wanna remind y’all to not be massive limp dicks and that bisexual people have as much a right to pride and to the lgbtq+ community as gay,
metalliccolouredtitan: seeing as the pride season is coming up i’m seeing a lot of biphobia everywhere and i wanna remind y’all to not be massive limp dicks and that bisexual people have as much a right to pride and to the lgbtq+ community as gay,
metalliccolouredtitan: seeing as the pride season is coming up i’m seeing a lot of biphobia everywhere and i wanna remind y’all to not be massive limp dicks and that bisexual people have as much a right to pride and to the lgbtq+ community as gay,