your-slave-t: humilationdom11: Nooses and rope around a slave’s neck can be used to great effect. It is amusing to torture your slave, be the cause of his torment, then have him look at your with genuine gratitude as your loosen the noose occasionally.
your-slave-t: humilationdom11: Nooses and rope around a slave’s neck can be used to great effect. It is amusing to torture your slave, be the cause of his torment, then have him look at your with genuine gratitude as your loosen the noose occasionally.
your-slave-t: humilationdom11: Nooses and rope around a slave’s neck can be used to great effect. It is amusing to torture your slave, be the cause of his torment, then have him look at your with genuine gratitude as your loosen the noose occasionally.
your-slave-t: humilationdom11: Nooses and rope around a slave’s neck can be used to great effect. It is amusing to torture your slave, be the cause of his torment, then have him look at your with genuine gratitude as your loosen the noose occasionally.