pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually
pervocracy: Proposition: when one person has to cover a shift that is normally done by two people, they get paid double. This is both to compensate them for working twice as hard, and to remove any temptation for management to think “hey, actually