herliege: herliege: There is beauty in…. It could be said that submission cannot be a gift, since a submissive cannot give away what is an integral part of them. I tend to agree with that argument. (Let’s be clear, I do not believe in taking without
herliege: herliege: There is beauty in…. It could be said that submission cannot be a gift, since a submissive cannot give away what is an integral part of them. I tend to agree with that argument. (Let’s be clear, I do not believe in taking without
herliege: herliege: There is beauty in…. It could be said that submission cannot be a gift, since a submissive cannot give away what is an integral part of them. I tend to agree with that argument. (Let’s be clear, I do not believe in taking without
herliege: herliege: There is beauty in…. It could be said that submission cannot be a gift, since a submissive cannot give away what is an integral part of them. I tend to agree with that argument. (Let’s be clear, I do not believe in taking without