gold-sheep: disgustinganimals: rizaoftheowls: gallusrostromegalus: thantos1991: tyrranitime: HOLY FUCKING SHIT @gallusrostromegalus This Big Boy is a Brahma, the largest breed of chicken. They’re also one of the gentlest and tamest chickens
gold-sheep: disgustinganimals: rizaoftheowls: gallusrostromegalus: thantos1991: tyrranitime: HOLY FUCKING SHIT @gallusrostromegalus This Big Boy is a Brahma, the largest breed of chicken. They’re also one of the gentlest and tamest chickens
gold-sheep: disgustinganimals: rizaoftheowls: gallusrostromegalus: thantos1991: tyrranitime: HOLY FUCKING SHIT @gallusrostromegalus This Big Boy is a Brahma, the largest breed of chicken. They’re also one of the gentlest and tamest chickens
gold-sheep: disgustinganimals: rizaoftheowls: gallusrostromegalus: thantos1991: tyrranitime: HOLY FUCKING SHIT @gallusrostromegalus This Big Boy is a Brahma, the largest breed of chicken. They’re also one of the gentlest and tamest chickens
gold-sheep: disgustinganimals: rizaoftheowls: gallusrostromegalus: thantos1991: tyrranitime: HOLY FUCKING SHIT @gallusrostromegalus This Big Boy is a Brahma, the largest breed of chicken. They’re also one of the gentlest and tamest chickens
gold-sheep: disgustinganimals: rizaoftheowls: gallusrostromegalus: thantos1991: tyrranitime: HOLY FUCKING SHIT @gallusrostromegalus This Big Boy is a Brahma, the largest breed of chicken. They’re also one of the gentlest and tamest chickens