“I’m so sorry baby. I couldn’t stop them. I mean I really didn’t try to stop them. It’s like I was frozen, or. I don’t know. I think maybe it’s my fault.” “What are you talking about sweet heart? Why is your costume all over the place?!”
“I’m so sorry baby. I couldn’t stop them. I mean I really didn’t try to stop them. It’s like I was frozen, or. I don’t know. I think maybe it’s my fault.” “What are you talking about sweet heart? Why is your costume all over the place?!”
“I’m so sorry baby. I couldn’t stop them. I mean I really didn’t try to stop them. It’s like I was frozen, or. I don’t know. I think maybe it’s my fault.” “What are you talking about sweet heart? Why is your costume all over the place?!”
“I’m so sorry baby. I couldn’t stop them. I mean I really didn’t try to stop them. It’s like I was frozen, or. I don’t know. I think maybe it’s my fault.” “What are you talking about sweet heart? Why is your costume all over the place?!”