metalkilltheking: 2004. Epitaph is the second album by band Necrophagist, Unlike on album ‘Onset of Putrefaction’, guitarist and vocalist Muhammed Suiçmez recorded the album alongside a full band instead of just himself. Guitarist Christian Muenzner,
metalkilltheking: 2004. Epitaph is the second album by band Necrophagist, Unlike on album ‘Onset of Putrefaction’, guitarist and vocalist Muhammed Suiçmez recorded the album alongside a full band instead of just himself. Guitarist Christian Muenzner,
metalkilltheking: 2004. Epitaph is the second album by band Necrophagist, Unlike on album ‘Onset of Putrefaction’, guitarist and vocalist Muhammed Suiçmez recorded the album alongside a full band instead of just himself. Guitarist Christian Muenzner,