iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.
iheartkatyperry: The subject for Roar was about how it is important for me to stand up for myself finally. It’s not talking about anyone else. It is about me getting in my own way.