In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.
In 1946, two legendary artists began collaboration on a short film. More than half a century later, their creation has finally been completed. (x) - Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney this is gorgeous. omfg.