jupitereyed: Test run for my next cosplay. I’ll be fiddling with the wig, getting another tie (with a different knot, this is just one my boyfriend had hanging around), and perfecting my stubble. ps- I apologize to my friends; I really do love you
jupitereyed: Test run for my next cosplay. I’ll be fiddling with the wig, getting another tie (with a different knot, this is just one my boyfriend had hanging around), and perfecting my stubble. ps- I apologize to my friends; I really do love you
jupitereyed: Test run for my next cosplay. I’ll be fiddling with the wig, getting another tie (with a different knot, this is just one my boyfriend had hanging around), and perfecting my stubble. ps- I apologize to my friends; I really do love you
jupitereyed: Test run for my next cosplay. I’ll be fiddling with the wig, getting another tie (with a different knot, this is just one my boyfriend had hanging around), and perfecting my stubble. ps- I apologize to my friends; I really do love you