victoriousvocabulary: SYLVAE [noun] 1. the trees or forests of a region. 2. a written or artistic work on the trees or forests of a region. Etymology: ultimately from Latin silva, “forest, a wood”. [Tomás Sánchez]
victoriousvocabulary: SYLVAE [noun] 1. the trees or forests of a region. 2. a written or artistic work on the trees or forests of a region. Etymology: ultimately from Latin silva, “forest, a wood”. [Tomás Sánchez]
victoriousvocabulary: SYLVAE [noun] 1. the trees or forests of a region. 2. a written or artistic work on the trees or forests of a region. Etymology: ultimately from Latin silva, “forest, a wood”. [Tomás Sánchez]
victoriousvocabulary: SYLVAE [noun] 1. the trees or forests of a region. 2. a written or artistic work on the trees or forests of a region. Etymology: ultimately from Latin silva, “forest, a wood”. [Tomás Sánchez]