tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..
tenmillionpoundsofsludge: me,at a clothes store: excuse me, how much are these pants? employee: oh theyre 19.99 :) me: dam…..didnt realize I was at the Gucci store…..