heroperil: heroperil: Capture by Comic Superheros on Flickr. Captain Marvel & Superman @ Metropolis Superman Celebration 2015 Note: added a few pics to the original post 12/23/2015
heroperil: heroperil: Capture by Comic Superheros on Flickr. Captain Marvel & Superman @ Metropolis Superman Celebration 2015 Note: added a few pics to the original post 12/23/2015
heroperil: heroperil: Capture by Comic Superheros on Flickr. Captain Marvel & Superman @ Metropolis Superman Celebration 2015 Note: added a few pics to the original post 12/23/2015
heroperil: heroperil: Capture by Comic Superheros on Flickr. Captain Marvel & Superman @ Metropolis Superman Celebration 2015 Note: added a few pics to the original post 12/23/2015
heroperil: heroperil: Capture by Comic Superheros on Flickr. Captain Marvel & Superman @ Metropolis Superman Celebration 2015 Note: added a few pics to the original post 12/23/2015