beingmemm: “Tonight,“ he said, “we shall get quietly and thoroughly drunk…in memory of all that was lost. And on the morrow, I begin the struggle to win it back.” ― Sharon Kay Penman, The Reckoning
beingmemm: “Tonight,“ he said, “we shall get quietly and thoroughly drunk…in memory of all that was lost. And on the morrow, I begin the struggle to win it back.” ― Sharon Kay Penman, The Reckoning
beingmemm: “Tonight,“ he said, “we shall get quietly and thoroughly drunk…in memory of all that was lost. And on the morrow, I begin the struggle to win it back.” ― Sharon Kay Penman, The Reckoning
beingmemm: “Tonight,“ he said, “we shall get quietly and thoroughly drunk…in memory of all that was lost. And on the morrow, I begin the struggle to win it back.” ― Sharon Kay Penman, The Reckoning
beingmemm: “Tonight,“ he said, “we shall get quietly and thoroughly drunk…in memory of all that was lost. And on the morrow, I begin the struggle to win it back.” ― Sharon Kay Penman, The Reckoning
beingmemm: “Tonight,“ he said, “we shall get quietly and thoroughly drunk…in memory of all that was lost. And on the morrow, I begin the struggle to win it back.” ― Sharon Kay Penman, The Reckoning