always-fair-weather: “Darling, you may be an all-American athlete, but you are also a tripper.” Don’t Trip Over that Mountain, 2x22 - The Dick Van Dyke Show
always-fair-weather: “Darling, you may be an all-American athlete, but you are also a tripper.” Don’t Trip Over that Mountain, 2x22 - The Dick Van Dyke Show
always-fair-weather: “Darling, you may be an all-American athlete, but you are also a tripper.” Don’t Trip Over that Mountain, 2x22 - The Dick Van Dyke Show
always-fair-weather: “Darling, you may be an all-American athlete, but you are also a tripper.” Don’t Trip Over that Mountain, 2x22 - The Dick Van Dyke Show
always-fair-weather: “Darling, you may be an all-American athlete, but you are also a tripper.” Don’t Trip Over that Mountain, 2x22 - The Dick Van Dyke Show