wetwetwet243: dark-eyed-soul: There is nothing that will train a female faster than either the threat or the act of physical humiliation. While calling a female names or verbally humiliating it in public works to a degree, Things like making one remove
wetwetwet243: dark-eyed-soul: There is nothing that will train a female faster than either the threat or the act of physical humiliation. While calling a female names or verbally humiliating it in public works to a degree, Things like making one remove
wetwetwet243: dark-eyed-soul: There is nothing that will train a female faster than either the threat or the act of physical humiliation. While calling a female names or verbally humiliating it in public works to a degree, Things like making one remove
wetwetwet243: dark-eyed-soul: There is nothing that will train a female faster than either the threat or the act of physical humiliation. While calling a female names or verbally humiliating it in public works to a degree, Things like making one remove
wetwetwet243: dark-eyed-soul: There is nothing that will train a female faster than either the threat or the act of physical humiliation. While calling a female names or verbally humiliating it in public works to a degree, Things like making one remove