insaneartistoflegacysystems: elletromil: whoopsrobots: betterbemeta: C-3PO makes me laugh because you have to remember he was assembled by a child out of things from a scrap heap. Everything about him makes sense if you bear that in mind. Anakin wanted
insaneartistoflegacysystems: elletromil: whoopsrobots: betterbemeta: C-3PO makes me laugh because you have to remember he was assembled by a child out of things from a scrap heap. Everything about him makes sense if you bear that in mind. Anakin wanted
insaneartistoflegacysystems: elletromil: whoopsrobots: betterbemeta: C-3PO makes me laugh because you have to remember he was assembled by a child out of things from a scrap heap. Everything about him makes sense if you bear that in mind. Anakin wanted