codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”
codegoth:our brains are… the ultimate computer. 5 billion or so cores. but unfortunately most of them are permanently dedicated to subroutines like “thinking about slurp”