89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions
89words: “He tasted of salt and sweat. Of heat and desire. She raised her eyes to meet his and then devoured him again.” — erotica by PurelySensualVisions